Monday, February 3, 2014

Computer Graphic Final Project

Janet Harsono

Computer Graphic Rationale for Final Project

The concept for my design is about calmness and gloomy feeling in an autumn season which is related to an indie folk song like my band’s genre music. Folk music usually in a gentle concept and I have seen a lot of color like green, brown, black and white which are fit my concept for folk song. Then I put guitar, chair, and a “floating” window to my album cover because my original band which I chose named Iron and Wine and the other folk band usually uses guitar for the instrument and just sit in front of the audience singing with a very gentle voice. I chose the background of bare trees surrounded by flower field is because that was the most proper and background that fit perfectly to my concept rather than the savannah one which is more showing a dry season and remain no peaceful feeling. The “floating” window beside the chair and guitar has a meaning which is to imagine you are in an empty room with window inside, sit down, relax, play the guitar and singing a folk song as if you are in a field of flower and no one is around. Bringing a peaceful feeling to your heart.
            I also have obstacles that are quite terrible for me. I’m a traditional kind of person which means that I’m not really good at using Adobe. I was, but now I’m not. I became to be so nervous and got confused easily when I got a project for computer graphic. I really want to learn Adobe because I’m streaming interactive media design for major later. I was so desperate and crying because I do not know what I had to do first. Then I searched for some tutorials. After I made some of my sketches digitally which are suck, lecturer gave me some opinion about the sketches and I remade it again to a better sketch. Then the other obstacle is when I had to print my artwork. It’s confused me because I basically know nothing about printing and what size, where do I have to print my artwork, where can I find tote bag and t-shirt. And my printing place wasn’t near my house.
            But then beside any obstacles there are always skills and obstacles I achieved. I became to know how to make few objects through searching some tutorials. Now I know where I have to print, buy something for merchandise, what kind of size. I’ve learnt few things through this final project and I think it is okay to fail in the first place because I’m still learning. I will try to work little harder to get good marks at this subject.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mid Project

Finally we meet, mid term project. I choose street art for my topic and I have to do a research of 3 influential street artists and make a summary of them. I got Banksy, Swoon, and Stinkfish for my artists then lecturer will choose one of my mood board.


There you go. I'm done with the mood boards now moving on to another assignments. Gonna update soon.


I changed the artists! I'm using Anthony Lister and Mr. Brainwash instead of Stinkfish and Banksy. I changed them because I have to find 6 portraits of each artists and I don't find any of Banksy and Stinkfish.



I chose Anthony Lister. Why did I choose him? I don't know either, I just like his artwork and I think his artworks fit me best even he is taking influence from the dirtier and rough techniques of “Bad” Painting and merging it with the spirit and practices of graffiti art. One of my favourite of his artwork is the Ballerinas one.

So I required to do 6 sketches of my poster on A5 paper, choose one of them and make a rough draft of it in Adobe Illustrator CS6


Here's the steps of how I make this, a bit confusing (or a lot). But I hope everyone who is now seeing this understand what I'm doing.

1. Trace the artist

2. Re-arrange the design

3. I coloured his pants! See the differences? (Honestly I was still confused about colouring the object)

4. We're required to use that Mad About Design thingy so I put it there with a big circle, for it is to be appeared softer (because I want it to be done in a feminine and neat way), I reduced the opacity to 50%

5. I put some details inspired by his artworks, and required to give a 10th Anniversary.

6. And put a some more details... My lecturer assistant gave me a comment that something behind him is look like I'm too lazy to do anything more so I just put that into my poster. And the reality is, I'm running out of ideas! :(


I know, it's messy. I want it to be neat but it's getting messier. What an irony. I got so many revision about this piece of thing so... Challenge accepted.


1. Trace the artist

2. Start colouring it. (Now I know how to colour it! Thanks to my friend, Artisa. She taught me.)

3. Start making designs. Make it more than 1! For God sake.



"Add some more colours, make it looks nicer, since it's a poster you have to put a related sponsor, don't use fonts more than 2, don't make the artwork pop-up more than the artist, make sure all the audience could read it from a far." It's all done, hopefully :') sr. Prata said that the font I'm using on Anthony Lister is nice, so I use it for all. The font name is Didot. He was asking me what's the name of this font and I completely forgot. Sorry..

I made more than 1 design so I have something to be compared and some option to choose which one is the best and what's the differences. I choose the second one.

I choose Creep Machine for the sponsor because it's the only gallery I found that sponsored Anthony Lister. "Creep Machine focuses on young contemporary art in the mediums of painting, drawing, prints, and photography. The galleries goal is to be the worlds number one gallery when it comes to contemporary art." (Sep 7, 2011. Retrieved from

That's it for mid term project. No, It's not done yet. We have to print it in HQ and mounted it on a white A2 polyfoam with no border and do a presentation about it in front of 20+ people if you are (un)lucky. I was so nervous when I did a presentation of the first project about this. I've been thinking for what I will say about in front of my friends while waiting for my turn, and when it's time for me, my brain goes *poof* what you've been thinking had been completely deleted.

Oh, I'm using the Ballerinas for my background
My artwork is far from perfect but I put so much effort on it hoping it will get better from time to time.

Friday, October 25, 2013

CG I Small Project 2

So we're back again. Here I am with the second project. I've been told to trace 3 items of mine using pen tool on Adobe Illustrator CS6. Here's the items:

Delete the background on Adobe  Photoshop CS6...

Trace them...
And boom! Black-white and coloured.
Honestly I'm a bit too confused to colour the items, so it has white space and any weird colour there.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

First assignment

So here's my first assignment for my computer graphic class. Making my daily routine on adobe illustrator using basic shape such as rectangle, triangle, slips, star, hexagon. I made it within 4 hours (9pm - 1am). I'm still a newbie after all :D
Comments? :)